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How a Network Administrator Can Help Your Business

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A network administrator is someone who manages computer networks, manages the systems running on those networks, and makes sure they are working as planned. Read on to find out more about how a network administration service can help you. Maintaining network security  A network administrator helps to maintain security in the following ways:  1. Audit user activity: An administrator audit user activity on the network, such as email use and logins. This will allow them to monitor and detect any unusual activity on the network, such as unexplained spikes in bandwidth usage or attempts at unauthorised access. Read More»

Why On-Site Software Installation?

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The world of tech is evolving each day and every day. This technological breakthrough creates radically new capabilities and performances. It is not always easy for every consumer to keep up with the technological transition. Installation of the software is quite a hectic task to deal with for this many companies provide technical support.  There are two approaches to deploy new software: traditional software maintenance and on-site software installation. Why on-site installation? Read More»