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Need a ducted system for awkwardly shaped rooms? 4 features to look out for

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When installing an air conditioning unit in your home or office, you may need a customised solution for awkwardly shaped rooms. Some rooms in your premises may have high ceilings, tight spaces or hidden corners where you would wish to direct enough airflow. In such circumstances, a regular ducted AC may not get the job done to your anticipated standards. You may need a specially designed ducted system that has unique features to cater to such spaces. Read More»

Drafting Services You Can Offer Online from Home

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One of the key goals that many people have is to be able to work from home. You may be looking for a way to spend more time with family, reduce travel costs to and from work, or work for yourself. If you are in drafting, you might think you won’t be able to work from home. The truth is there are several freelance sites that will allow you to offer your drafting services. Read More»

Hiding Your TV Antenna: 2 Things You Should Do

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If you have moved into a new home which has just been constructed, it may not have been fitted with a TV antenna. If you want to watch TV, you will need to install some form of an antenna system which will pick up the TV signal and transmit them to your television screen. There are two forms of TV antenna, the interior antenna and the exterior antenna. Unfortunately, both types of antenna can have a negative impact on the aesthetic appeal of your home. Read More»